Carolina Pro Musica's Photo Gallery 
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Highlight for Album: Other Events & Away concerts
Other Events & Away concerts
Out-of-town & other concerts - not part of our series

Last changed on 02/02/09. This album contains 48 items.
This album has been viewed 28664 times since 19/08/05.
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Highlight for Album: Guest Artists
Guest Artists
Local and international musicians who have been part of Carolina Pro Musica's concerts

Last changed on 27/08/23. This album contains 14 items.
This album has been viewed 23421 times since 19/08/05.
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Highlight for Album: Special Events/Honors
Special Events/Honors
CPM performances for special events and people

Last changed on 19/06/09. This album contains 6 items.
This album has been viewed 6138 times since 19/08/05.
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Highlight for Album: London Tour 2005
London Tour 2005
Carolina Pro Musica's 2005 Tour to London and vicinity

Last changed on 06/12/06. This album contains 45 items.
This album has been viewed 37984 times since 15/08/05.
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Highlight for Album: Interesting Photos
Interesting Photos
Carolina Pro Musica friends and related photos

Last changed on 24/07/07. This album contains 10 items.
This album has been viewed 12650 times since 07/08/05.

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